New things she does:
Rolls over both ways, gabs a lot, turns on her own fish tank in her crib, plays by herself in her crib, is starting to know her name, watches the cats and dogs when they are in the room, pets the dog when he comes to her, hold her own bottle most of the time, holds her toys, puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, eats cereal off the spoon, laughs a lot, spit bubbles.
Things she LOVES:
rolling over across the room, playing in her jumper-roo, watching Yo Gabba Gabba, sitting out side in her exersaucer, day care, gabbing, playing on the floor, grabbing stuff espeically faces, tickles, Oink Oink noises, her changing table, her fish tank
Things she HATES:
Her face being wiped, her nose being sucked or wiped, shopping, the stroller, when mommy takes excessive amounts of pictures!!!
Pictures her at 5 months!

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