Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Could She be teething already???

1) She's drooling like crazy
2) She has her fingers in her mouth 24/7. Used to be she sucked on her fist to fall asleep. Now she has her fingers or fist in her mouth all the time.
3) She's crabby
4) She's not sleeping good
5) She's not eating good
6) She has a runny nose
7) She calms down when I put a frozen wash cloth on her gums

and last but not least...............................

8) She's got a white spot on her bottom gums.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

One Year ago today................

My little girl was conceived!!

In a petrei dish!!

Can you believe that this .............


turned into this......


It's truely so amazing!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


You think she's be mad that she fell over, but NOPE. She'll just lay here and munch on her hand.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I've missed the last couple Thursdays.
I was thankful for a lot, but too sick or too busy to be able to get on here and post.
So, back on it now.

I'am Thankful....................

That my daughter loves baths now!!!

That my husband is not traveling out of the country anynmore.

That I'am back at work part time.

That I'm going to NY to see my family and friends next month.

That my cousin Frank & Gina finally have their baby girl!

That my daughter sleeps 12 hours a night.

That my husband understands that I don't cook.

That I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful daughter, an amazing family, and the best friends a girl could ask for!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nothing much to report

We're finally ALL feeling better.
It was a rough 3 weeks around here.

Alanis is doing well.
She started daycare last week and its doing really well there. Much better then I expected. She only goes for 4 hours a day while I go work.
She does not eat well there. She has issues eating with anyone but mommy.
Not sure why that is, but she usually will eat just enough to get by when others feed her. She'll stop eating completely after like 2 oz's if someone else is feeding her (even her daddy). But I can take her 2 seconds later and giver her a bottle and she'll chow down. She's completely a "Mommy's Girl". I don't know why either. I swear I do not spoil her.

I can't wait to go to NY in April so everyone can meet her.
I'm not looking forward to the car ride though because she does NOT like the carseat. I'm not sure how she'll do on a six hour car ride. The 1/2 hour ones usually include 15 minutes of crying. So, I'll be bringing my ipod:)

I don't have any new pictures loaded on the computer, but I'll get some loaded tonight and post them tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing well!!!