Alanis still has a bad cold.
Her cough got a lot worse and I took her to the Dr on Tuesday.
She's on a Nebulizer breathing treatment every 4 hours. She actually likes it thank goodness. I couldnt imagine doing it if she hated it. It really seems to be helping. Her coughing has been greatly reduced. She's still way boogery. I have to us the nose sucker a lot and she hates it. She screams her head off. However, after I get those giant boogers out and she can breath good, she's all smiles!
I've caught the cold now too. So Russ had it, then Alanis, now me. The really crappy part is Russ is out of town on business. So I'm sicker then a dog and trying to take care of sick Alanis. Fun times. I'm also taking care of my neice Kayla. She's 8, so she's pretty easy. She gets her own dinner and breakfast, and can dress herself, so I don't have to do too much with her. I also assigned her animal duty, so she's in charge of feeding the dogs and cats and making sure they have water. This is great since it's one less thing I have to do.
Well, I'm going to try and get some Zzzz's while she's napping.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
More Pictures
Alanis is getting over a cold.

She's very stuffy and congested and it's been effecting her eating.
However, she's on the road to recovery.
Russ has been sick too. Going on a week now.
It's definately taken a lot out of him. I'm not used to seeing him so run down.
Hopefully he's on the mend too.
Some how, I've mangaed to avoid the flu and now this cold (knock on wood). I don't know where I get this immunity from but I'm thankful for it.
It's hard enough having a colicy baby, I don't need to be sick on top of it.
The Nutramigen Formlua definately helped with Alanis's colic. Now that she's off it, the colic is back. It's been a little rough, but I'm manageing. I could put her back on the formula, but that would be selfish. Studies show that colic is not painful, so even though she crys a lot and it's stressful on me and Russ, we know she's not hurting. On the Nutramgigen formula, she was consistently constipated and in pain. I could not watch it anymore. I'd rather listen to her cry knowing she's not in pain then continue to let her suffer with stomache issues.
She does have her good moments though. Mostly around 12pm when she gets up from her morning nap.
Here are some pictures from a little photo shoot we did this morning.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thankful Thursday!

I'am thankful that my daughter sleeps through the night at 2 months old (9 hours!!!).
I'am thankful that we are fortunate enough to be able to buy a new van (with automatic opening doors!)
I'am thankful that Alanis's colic is pretty much done!!!
I'am thankful that I've been able to eat breafast AND lunch all week!!!
I'm thankful that my husband puts up my whineing!
Mostly, I'm thankful for getting another day!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Update on Alanis
Well, the Dr had never really heard of a baby having breating issues due to pooping. Luckily for us, there was a pediatric GI specialist at the office while I was there, so the Dr went to talk to him. In the mean time, Alanis got her 2 month shots. She didn't even flinch at the first one, but the second one caused her to turn bright red and scream like a banchee! When the dr came back in he had gloves and vaseline in his hand. I figured this was not a good sign for miss Alanis. He said they had to check to make sure her little poop hole wasn't too small. You can imagine what they did right?? Poor little baby. She did NOT like that. He said her struggling to poop could be causing the acid in her tummy (from her relux) to come up and irritate her throat. He said we can avoid this by helping her poop. Basically he said that babies have a hard time pooping if they are lieing down or in the cradle position. He siad when we notice she's pooping, make sure she is sitting up straight and our hands on the feet so she can push off on those. This should help her learn to poop without straining therefore avoiding the acid coming back up therefore avoiding the breathing issue.
So, we're supposed to try this and call if the episodes get worse or if her poops are coming out too hard. I feel better that they are not that concerned.
We'll try their suggestions and hope for the best. Oh and he said that eventually she'll poop with no problem. It just takes babies time to adjust to it.
I will try to relax now
So, we're supposed to try this and call if the episodes get worse or if her poops are coming out too hard. I feel better that they are not that concerned.
We'll try their suggestions and hope for the best. Oh and he said that eventually she'll poop with no problem. It just takes babies time to adjust to it.
I will try to relax now
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Alanis was in the hospital
I’ve been trying to update this with the what happened on Thursday. Here it is Sunday, and I’m just getting to it. Plus, I actually had to type this is Word and copy and past it because I’ve had so many interruptions that I had to do it in sections.
On Thursday, Alanis and I went out in the morning. Just ran to the bank, dmv, and then Harris Teeter. When we got home, she ate and while I was burping her, she started crying and then making this horrible noise like she couldn’t breathe when she was taking a deep breath. It was like she was gasping for air. She was crying between this, so I figured she was getting air, but what was this gasping sound in between. I was scared. I called my sister first. While on the phone with her, Alanis made the gasping noise and my sister heard it. She told me to call 911. I did. By the time the ambulance got here, Alanis was breathing fine. The EMT’s listened to her chest and lungs and said she was fine. They said she probably aspirated on some formula while eating.
I spent the next 2 hours crying my eyes out. I was so upset that this had happened. I was terrified to feed her and I know she was hungry. I was trying to put it off as long as I could. She took a nap and when she woke up, about 20 minutes later, she did the freaky breathing thing again. I grabbed the phone and called the dr’s office. I told the lady what happened (calling 911 and everything), she said they have no appointments for that day. I informed her that I was coming in and I wasn’t leaving until a dr saw her. She passed me to the nurse and the nurse said to come in and they’d have a dr see her. I told her I was already on my way.
We got to the dr and they saw me right away. The dr listened to her chest and lungs asked me some questions and said he thought she may have the beginning signs of croup.
He said because she was only 2 months old he wanted to admit her to the hospital for observation and tests. He said he’d also test her for RSV and the flu.
When I left the dr’s on the way to the hospital I had to call Russ and let him know. I just wanted to cry. I didn’t though. I knew I had to think positive and be strong. I thought if I cried, I was expecting the worse. I had to get her to the hospital and she’d be fine.
Watching my little girl get an IV sucked. Watching it twice because they screwed up the first one sucked worse. Watching her suffer through a chest x-ray sucked too. I had to hold her down. I felt horrible. The whole thing sucked! This was by far the worst day ever.
We found out around 7pm that she had the flu. The dr wanted her to stay until Saturday for observation. I spent the night with her on Thursday. I got no sleep. Her monitor kept going off. Never anything serious, the alarms just don’t monitor infants well.
Russ and I both planned on staying on Friday night, but luckily she was doing so well that the Dr sent her home around 8pm. I was so thankful that her flu was not more serious.
So, I figured this whole breathing issue was flu related and it was over……………
I was wrong!
Saturday I noticed that after she grunted and pooped, she did the freaky breathing thing again. Happened later that night too. When she pooped. I thought back to Thursday and realized both times it happened that day, she had been grunting and pooping.
This morning same thing. My sister watched her this afternoon and she said she pooped and afterwards, she did the freaky breathing thing again. She said it wasn’t’ bad though.
Around 2pm she grunted a lot, had a big poop and then started that gasping for air thing. She again was crying in between, but was definitely NOT breathing right. It took 5 minutes before she was back to normal and she fell asleep. Then I thought back and realized after these episodes, she falls right to sleep and sleeps for a couple hours.
I have all new fears now.
What is wrong with my little girl.
Why is she struggling to breath after she grunts and poops.
Is it going to get worse?
Will they put her back in the hospital to monitor it so they can see it when it happens.
I’m so scared. I’ve cried all day.
I can’t eat because my stomach is in knots.
I have a follow up appointment for the flu thing tomorrow so I’ll talk to the dr.
Until then, I’m just going to be a mess.
Please say a little prayer for my baby girl.
Let her be ok
On Thursday, Alanis and I went out in the morning. Just ran to the bank, dmv, and then Harris Teeter. When we got home, she ate and while I was burping her, she started crying and then making this horrible noise like she couldn’t breathe when she was taking a deep breath. It was like she was gasping for air. She was crying between this, so I figured she was getting air, but what was this gasping sound in between. I was scared. I called my sister first. While on the phone with her, Alanis made the gasping noise and my sister heard it. She told me to call 911. I did. By the time the ambulance got here, Alanis was breathing fine. The EMT’s listened to her chest and lungs and said she was fine. They said she probably aspirated on some formula while eating.
I spent the next 2 hours crying my eyes out. I was so upset that this had happened. I was terrified to feed her and I know she was hungry. I was trying to put it off as long as I could. She took a nap and when she woke up, about 20 minutes later, she did the freaky breathing thing again. I grabbed the phone and called the dr’s office. I told the lady what happened (calling 911 and everything), she said they have no appointments for that day. I informed her that I was coming in and I wasn’t leaving until a dr saw her. She passed me to the nurse and the nurse said to come in and they’d have a dr see her. I told her I was already on my way.
We got to the dr and they saw me right away. The dr listened to her chest and lungs asked me some questions and said he thought she may have the beginning signs of croup.
He said because she was only 2 months old he wanted to admit her to the hospital for observation and tests. He said he’d also test her for RSV and the flu.
When I left the dr’s on the way to the hospital I had to call Russ and let him know. I just wanted to cry. I didn’t though. I knew I had to think positive and be strong. I thought if I cried, I was expecting the worse. I had to get her to the hospital and she’d be fine.
Watching my little girl get an IV sucked. Watching it twice because they screwed up the first one sucked worse. Watching her suffer through a chest x-ray sucked too. I had to hold her down. I felt horrible. The whole thing sucked! This was by far the worst day ever.
We found out around 7pm that she had the flu. The dr wanted her to stay until Saturday for observation. I spent the night with her on Thursday. I got no sleep. Her monitor kept going off. Never anything serious, the alarms just don’t monitor infants well.
Russ and I both planned on staying on Friday night, but luckily she was doing so well that the Dr sent her home around 8pm. I was so thankful that her flu was not more serious.
So, I figured this whole breathing issue was flu related and it was over……………
I was wrong!
Saturday I noticed that after she grunted and pooped, she did the freaky breathing thing again. Happened later that night too. When she pooped. I thought back to Thursday and realized both times it happened that day, she had been grunting and pooping.
This morning same thing. My sister watched her this afternoon and she said she pooped and afterwards, she did the freaky breathing thing again. She said it wasn’t’ bad though.
Around 2pm she grunted a lot, had a big poop and then started that gasping for air thing. She again was crying in between, but was definitely NOT breathing right. It took 5 minutes before she was back to normal and she fell asleep. Then I thought back and realized after these episodes, she falls right to sleep and sleeps for a couple hours.
I have all new fears now.
What is wrong with my little girl.
Why is she struggling to breath after she grunts and poops.
Is it going to get worse?
Will they put her back in the hospital to monitor it so they can see it when it happens.
I’m so scared. I’ve cried all day.
I can’t eat because my stomach is in knots.
I have a follow up appointment for the flu thing tomorrow so I’ll talk to the dr.
Until then, I’m just going to be a mess.
Please say a little prayer for my baby girl.
Let her be ok
Here are some pics from the hospital.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Thankful Thursday!!

I thought today would be a great day to list what I'm thankful for.
I'm thankful for my beautiful daughter. (even on her cranky days)
I'm thankful that I have a husband who is wonderful and supportive (I'd be lost without him)
I'm thankful that my sister and mother have jobs that allow them to come over and help me when I'm ready to have a breakdown. (you have no idea how great this is)
I'm thankful that my husband has a job that allows me to stay home with our daughter for awhile.
I'm thankful that with this economy right now we are blessed to have a home and jobs. ( will never take that for granted.)
I'm thankful for my relationship with my parents, sister, neice, inlaws and friends. (I'm extremely lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life)
I'm thankful for technology that allows me to connect with people even when they're all over the country!
I'm thankful for my health (mentally and physically)
I'm thankful for getting another day!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Russ got a promotion
He's now the Engineering manager for Diebold Inc.
He's worked so hard for this and I'm so happy for him!!!
Alanis seems to be doing better today. She had a big poop last night, so I think that helped.
This morning she ate 5oz of formula. That's the most she's eaten at one feeding in almost 4 days. She's now up napping and is going on 2 hours so that's a good thing too.
I'm hoping she's on the mend. I felt so bad for her.
We got some snow today! Only about an inch, but thats a lot for us. If it doesnt melt by the time Alanis gets up, I'll take her out and do some pictures!!
Hope everyone is doing well!!
He's worked so hard for this and I'm so happy for him!!!
Alanis seems to be doing better today. She had a big poop last night, so I think that helped.
This morning she ate 5oz of formula. That's the most she's eaten at one feeding in almost 4 days. She's now up napping and is going on 2 hours so that's a good thing too.
I'm hoping she's on the mend. I felt so bad for her.
We got some snow today! Only about an inch, but thats a lot for us. If it doesnt melt by the time Alanis gets up, I'll take her out and do some pictures!!
Hope everyone is doing well!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Alanis's 2 Month Appointment
Alanis had her 2 month appointment on Monday.
Her stats are..............
Weight: 11lbs (75th percentile)
Height: 22 1/2"(75th percentile)
She was supposed to get some shots (vaccinations), but she got sick the night before. Threw up twice. We're not sure if she has a stomache bug or what, but she's not been eating well and slept a lot over the weekend. She threw up again after her appointment after having some formula. Then she refused to drink formula. So we had her drinking pedialite for the last 24 hours.
Now she's not eating much of anything. She starts to eat and then stops and crys.
I'm pretty sure she's constipated. She's had some karo syrup and also prune juice and water, but no relief for the poor girl yet. She's had poop issues ever since going on this formula, so we're trying to switch her, however, now that shes sick, we have to wait and see.
She does still smile even though she's sick though!!!
She's a very happy baby when she doesnt' have gas pains or constipation.
Well, that's all the time I have to update. The princess has awoken!
Her stats are..............
Weight: 11lbs (75th percentile)
Height: 22 1/2"(75th percentile)
She was supposed to get some shots (vaccinations), but she got sick the night before. Threw up twice. We're not sure if she has a stomache bug or what, but she's not been eating well and slept a lot over the weekend. She threw up again after her appointment after having some formula. Then she refused to drink formula. So we had her drinking pedialite for the last 24 hours.
Now she's not eating much of anything. She starts to eat and then stops and crys.
I'm pretty sure she's constipated. She's had some karo syrup and also prune juice and water, but no relief for the poor girl yet. She's had poop issues ever since going on this formula, so we're trying to switch her, however, now that shes sick, we have to wait and see.
She does still smile even though she's sick though!!!
She's a very happy baby when she doesnt' have gas pains or constipation.
Well, that's all the time I have to update. The princess has awoken!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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