Monday, April 27, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bubblegum Flavored Applesauce!!!

Alanis HATES her amoxicillan. HATES IT!! It tastes like bubble gum. She spits it out or throws it up every time. I've tried every trick! So, I called the pediatrician today to see what to do. They said give it to her with applesauce. So here is what Alanis thought of that idea!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My Friend Erin took these pictures and I think they are beautiful!!!

Thanks Erin!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

We're Back!

So much to report and pictures, but no time.
I'll get around to it soon, but I'm too busy now and Alanis is sick.

I took her to the Dr and she has a sinus infection and bronchitis. Poor thing.

She's got meds and seems to be doing ok, so we're just vegging out for awhile until she gets better.

I'll get to an update about NY soon. I just haveg to finish getting unpacked and things put away. Then I have to find a couple extra hours in the day.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Alanis is 4 Months Old Today

We had our 4 month check up and here are her stats!

Height - 25 1/4" (87th percentile)

Weight - 14lbs (50th percentile)

Head - 41 (50th percentile)

She gets to start cereal now, but no fruits or veggies until her 6 month appt.

She has a cold. No infections anywhere, just very boogery and a yucky cough.

We're headed to NY tomorrow to see our friends and family!! I can't wait.
Not sure how Alanis will do in the car or meeting everyone, but hopefully she'll do ok.

She LOVES her jumperoo!! She'll stay in it forever if we let her. I'll get a video of her when we get back.

That's it for now!!!